This case study explores datasets for various beers
and breweries
where they are produced in the US. The steps and procedures taken for this analysis are detailed below.
The initial data provided were in two separate datasets, one each for beers and the other breweries. The dataset combined into a single dataset using Full join.
For Repository files, please see our Github
: This is the base page for the repository, containing an introduction as well as our codebook for how we coded variable names throughout the datasets.
: This is the primary file for the analysis, and is the file we are currently reading. It contains all the relevant R code, graphics, and analysis for the project; also included are specific .docx, .html, and .pdf knitted versions of this file.
and Breweries.csv
, were provided and are the original datasets from which our merged dataset is produced.
is the suggested place to start. It is also the possible method to downlaod this repository.
We begin by setting knitr
# Read in beer and breweries data set using _csv for more tidy output
Beers <- read_csv('./data/Beers.csv', col_types = cols())
Breweries <- read_csv('./data/Breweries.csv', col_types = cols())
We can answer this question by counting the number of values of each State
from the Breweries
# Format for output:
BPS <- data.frame(table(Breweries$State))
colnames(BPS) <- c('State','Breweries')
BrewPerState <- cbind(BPS[1:11,], BPS[12:22,], BPS[23:33,], BPS[34:44,], BPS[45:55,])
# Stylized output:
kable(BrewPerState, caption = 'Breweries per State') %>% kable_styling()
State | Breweries | State | Breweries | State | Breweries | State | Breweries | State | Breweries |
AK | 7 | HI | 4 | MI | 32 | NV | 2 | UT | 4 |
AL | 3 | IA | 5 | MN | 12 | NY | 16 | VA | 16 |
AR | 2 | ID | 5 | MO | 9 | OH | 15 | VT | 10 |
AZ | 11 | IL | 18 | MS | 2 | OK | 6 | WA | 23 |
CA | 39 | IN | 22 | MT | 9 | OR | 29 | WI | 20 |
CO | 47 | KS | 3 | NC | 19 | PA | 25 | WV | 1 |
CT | 8 | KY | 4 | ND | 1 | RI | 5 | WY | 4 |
DC | 1 | LA | 5 | NE | 5 | SC | 4 | ||
DE | 2 | MA | 23 | NH | 3 | SD | 1 | ||
FL | 15 | MD | 7 | NJ | 3 | TN | 3 | ||
GA | 7 | ME | 9 | NM | 4 | TX | 28 |
# Set up the map:
Breweries <- rename(Breweries, state = State)
map <- Breweries %>% group_by(state) %>% summarise(Breweries = n())
# Plot Brewery heatmap:
plot_usmap(data=map, values = "Breweries", labels=F) +
labs(title = "Breweries per State") +
scale_fill_continuous(name = "Breweries")
The field Brewery_id
in Beers.csv
and Brew_ID
in Breweries.csv
share the same data, but do not share a name. We remedy this by renaming the column in Beers.csv
After renaming, we can merge them into a single dataset, using full_join
# Rename Brewery_id to Brew_ID to satisfy merging requirement
Beers <- rename(Beers, Brew_ID = Brewery_id)
# Merge tables
Brewdata <- full_join(Beers, Breweries, by="Brew_ID")
# Change variable names to more meaningful title
Brewdata <- rename(Brewdata, Beer = Name.x, Brewery = Name.y, OZ = Ounces)
#Convert OZ to factor
Brewdata$OZ = as.factor(Brewdata$OZ)
beer <- Brewdata %>% filter(! & ! & !
ggplot(beer, aes(x=state, y=ABV)) + geom_boxplot(fill= "#75AADB")
write.csv(beer, "beer.csv")
beer %>% filter(state %in% c('AZ'))
## # A tibble: 23 x 10
## Beer Beer_ID ABV IBU Brew_ID Style OZ Brewery City state
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <fct> <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 Barrio Bla… 2005 0.06 60 252 America… 12 Barrio Br… Tucs… AZ
## 2 Noche Dulce 2062 0.071 16 232 America… 16 Borderlan… Tucs… AZ
## 3 Sunbru Köl… 2309 0.052 17 161 Kölsch 12 Four Peak… Tempe AZ
## 4 Four Peaks… 1585 0.042 9 161 Fruit /… 12 Four Peak… Tempe AZ
## 5 Hop Knot I… 358 0.067 47 161 America… 12 Four Peak… Tempe AZ
## 6 Kilt Lifte… 179 0.06 21 161 Scottis… 12 Four Peak… Tempe AZ
## 7 Lumberyard… 1153 0.053 20 159 America… 12 Lumberyar… Flag… AZ
## 8 Camelback 2312 0.061 60 158 America… 12 Phoenix A… Phoe… AZ
## 9 Sex Panther 2599 0.069 20 31 America… 12 SanTan Br… Chan… AZ
## 10 Winter War… 2073 0.095 25 31 Winter … 16 SanTan Br… Chan… AZ
## # … with 13 more rows
To retrieve the first and last six observations from the combined data, we run head
and tail
on Brewdata
, our combined dataset.
kable(Brewdata %>% head()) %>% kable_styling()
Beer | Beer_ID | ABV | IBU | Brew_ID | Style | OZ | Brewery | City | state |
Pub Beer | 1436 | 0.050 | 409 | American Pale Lager | 12 | 10 Barrel Brewing Company | Bend | OR | |
Devil’s Cup | 2265 | 0.066 | 178 | American Pale Ale (APA) | 12 | 18th Street Brewery | Gary | IN | |
Rise of the Phoenix | 2264 | 0.071 | 178 | American IPA | 12 | 18th Street Brewery | Gary | IN | |
Sinister | 2263 | 0.090 | 178 | American Double / Imperial IPA | 12 | 18th Street Brewery | Gary | IN | |
Sex and Candy | 2262 | 0.075 | 178 | American IPA | 12 | 18th Street Brewery | Gary | IN | |
Black Exodus | 2261 | 0.077 | 178 | Oatmeal Stout | 12 | 18th Street Brewery | Gary | IN |
kable(Brewdata %>% tail()) %>% kable_styling()
Beer | Beer_ID | ABV | IBU | Brew_ID | Style | OZ | Brewery | City | state |
Rocky Mountain Oyster Stout | 1035 | 0.075 | 425 | American Stout | 12 | Wynkoop Brewing Company | Denver | CO | |
Belgorado | 928 | 0.067 | 45 | 425 | Belgian IPA | 12 | Wynkoop Brewing Company | Denver | CO |
Rail Yard Ale | 807 | 0.052 | 425 | American Amber / Red Ale | 12 | Wynkoop Brewing Company | Denver | CO | |
B3K Black Lager | 620 | 0.055 | 425 | Schwarzbier | 12 | Wynkoop Brewing Company | Denver | CO | |
Silverback Pale Ale | 145 | 0.055 | 40 | 425 | American Pale Ale (APA) | 12 | Wynkoop Brewing Company | Denver | CO |
Rail Yard Ale (2009) | 84 | 0.052 | 425 | American Amber / Red Ale | 12 | Wynkoop Brewing Company | Denver | CO |
To start, we first use a function (which returns true
if a given value is NA, false
otherwise, using
) and sapply
to determine the number of missing values for each column within Brewdata
. This gives us a raw data view of the missing data. We then plot the missing data to visualize the quantity.
# Explore missing values with kable library to make document more presentable:
MissingValues <- sapply(Brewdata, function(x)sum(
MissingValues %>% kable("html") %>% kable_styling()
x | |
Beer | 0 |
Beer_ID | 0 |
ABV | 62 |
IBU | 1005 |
Brew_ID | 0 |
Style | 5 |
OZ | 0 |
Brewery | 0 |
City | 0 |
state | 0 |
# Missing values code borrowed from:
missing.values <- Brewdata %>% gather(key = "key", value = "val") %>%
mutate(isna = %>% group_by(key) %>%
mutate(total = n()) %>% group_by(key, total, isna) %>%
summarise(num.isna = n()) %>% mutate(pct = num.isna / total * 100)
levels <- (missing.values %>% filter(isna == T) %>% arrange(desc(pct)))$key
percentage.plot <- missing.values %>% ggplot() + geom_bar(aes(x = reorder(key, desc(pct)), y = pct, fill=isna),
stat = 'identity', alpha=0.8) + scale_x_discrete(limits = levels) +
scale_fill_manual(name = "", values = c('steelblue', 'tomato3'), labels = c("Present", "Missing")) +
coord_flip() + labs(title = "Percentage of missing values", x = 'Columns with missing data', y = "Percentage of missing values")
To tackle the low hanging fruit, we will remove 5 observations with missing styles, and mark the missing IBU/ABV values to compare later.
> 3/5 of these also have missing ABV and IBU values also.
> The ABV/IBU of the non-missings values aren’t remarkable, so their removal shouldn’t affect the overall data, but it is worth noting.
# remove the 5 beers missing style (3 of them were missing ABV/IBU also)
Brewdata %>% filter(
## # A tibble: 5 x 10
## Beer Beer_ID ABV IBU Brew_ID Style OZ Brewery City state
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <fct> <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 Special Re… 2210 NA NA 30 <NA> 16 Cedar Creek… Seven… TX
## 2 Kilt Lifte… 1635 0.06 21 161 <NA> 12 Four Peaks … Tempe AZ
## 3 OktoberFie… 2527 0.053 27 67 <NA> 12 Freetail Br… San A… TX
## 4 The CROWLE… 1796 NA NA 167 <NA> 32 Oskar Blues… Longm… CO
## 5 CAN'D AID … 1790 NA NA 167 <NA> 12 Oskar Blues… Longm… CO
RemovedBrews <- Brewdata %>% filter(
Brewdata <- Brewdata %>% filter(!
# identify missing IBU/ABV values:
Brewdata$ImputedABV <- ifelse($ABV),'Imputed','Original')
Brewdata$ImputedIBU <- ifelse($IBU),'Imputed','Original')
Now that we’ve marked the missing values, we can explore imputation of 62 missing ABV and 1005 missing IBU values into BrewComplete (so we can compare vs Brewdata).
# view random sample of imputed vs original plot ABV:
StyleSample <- sample(unique(BrewComplete$Style), size=15)
BrewComplete %>% filter(Style %in% StyleSample) %>% ggplot(aes(x=ABV, y=reorder(Style,ABV), color=ImputedABV)) + geom_point() + labs(y = 'Style')
# view random sample of imputed vs original plot IBU:
BrewComplete %>% filter(Style %in% StyleSample) %>% ggplot(aes(x=IBU, y=reorder(Style,IBU), color=ImputedIBU)) + geom_point() + labs(y = 'Style')
# assign imputed ABV values
Brewdata$ABV <- BrewComplete$ABV
# store IBU containing dataset for further examination
IBUdata <- Brewdata %>% filter(!
Based on visual inspection, it appears ABV is safe to impute, but IBU looks like it might be overreaching! (e.g. Cider Beer IBUs have no reference data for comparison)
We will exclude beer data with missing IBU for comparisons using IBU in future tests.
Arkansas and Utah are tied for lowest ABV at 4.0% Maine has highest ABV at 6.7%
Wisconsin has the lowest IBU @ 19 Maine has the highest IBU @ 61
# 4.a transform the data
Firewater <- Brewdata %>% na.omit() %>% group_by(state) %>% summarise(Median = median(ABV)) %>% arrange(Median)
Bitter <- Brewdata %>% na.omit() %>% group_by(state) %>% summarise(Median = median(IBU)) %>% arrange(Median)
# 4.b Plot a bar chart to compare ABV by state
ggplot(data=Firewater, aes(x=state, y=Median)) +
geom_bar(stat="identity", fill="steelblue")+
theme_economist() +
theme(axis.text.x=element_text(size=rel(0.8), angle=90)) +
ggtitle("Median ABV by State") +
# 4.c Plot a bar chart to compare IBU by state
ggplot(data=Bitter, aes(x=state, y=Median)) +
geom_bar(stat="identity", fill="steelblue")+
theme_economist() +
theme(axis.text.x=element_text(size=rel(0.8), angle=90))+
ggtitle("Median IBU by State") +
# Combined plot merging 4b and 4c:
Brewdata %>% filter(! & ABV)) %>% select(state, ABV,IBU) %>%
group_by(state) %>%
dplyr::summarize(Median_IBU=median(IBU), Median_ABV=median(ABV*100)) %>%
gather(`Median_IBU`, `Median_ABV`, key='Type', value='Measurement') %>%
ggplot(aes(state, Measurement, fill=Type)) +
geom_bar(stat='identity', position = 'Dodge') +
labs(y='ABV% and IBU', title = 'Median ABV and IBU by State') +
theme_economist() +
scale_fill_manual(name = "", values = c('tomato3','steelblue'), labels = c("ABV %", "IBU")) +
scale_color_economist() +
theme(axis.text.x=element_text(size=rel(0.8), angle=90))
We identify Colorado as having the beer with the highest ABV, at .128
; and we identify Oregon has having the beer with the highest IBU, at 138
TopABV <- top_n(Brewdata, 1, ABV)
TopIBU <- top_n(Brewdata, 1, IBU)
kable(TopABV) %>% kable_styling()
Beer | Beer_ID | ABV | IBU | Brew_ID | Style | OZ | Brewery | City | state | ImputedABV | ImputedIBU |
Lee Hill Series Vol. 5 - Belgian Style Quadrupel Ale | 2565 | 0.128 | 52 | Quadrupel (Quad) | 19.2 | Upslope Brewing Company | Boulder | CO | Original | Imputed |
kable(TopIBU) %>% kable_styling()
Beer | Beer_ID | ABV | IBU | Brew_ID | Style | OZ | Brewery | City | state | ImputedABV | ImputedIBU |
Bitter Bitch Imperial IPA | 980 | 0.082 | 138 | 375 | American Double / Imperial IPA | 12 | Astoria Brewing Company | Astoria | OR | Original | Original |
# Set up the map:
df <- data.frame(abbr=c('CO','OR'),Top_Beer=c('ABV','IBU'))
map <- left_join(statepop,df, by ='abbr')
# Plot the map:
plot_usmap(data = map, values = "Top_Beer") + labs(x='',y='',title = "Top States by ABV/IBU") +
scale_discrete_manual(labels(remove)) + scale_fill_manual(name = "Category", values=c(ABV='tomato3',IBU='steelblue'), na.value='darkgrey') + theme(legend.background = element_rect(fill = "#D5E4EB"), plot.background = element_rect(fill = "#D5E4EB"))
We utilize ggplot
to plot a scatter plot of the data, using IBU
and ABV
as our variables.
Examination of this scatter plot and the regression line suggests that there is a positive, linear relationship between IBU
and ABV
ggplot(Brewdata, aes(x=IBU, y= ABV)) +
geom_point(shape=1) +
geom_smooth(method=lm) +
theme_economist() +
scale_color_economist() +
theme(axis.text.x=element_text(size=rel(1.0))) +
labs(x="IBU",y="ABV", title="Correlation between IBU and ABV")
## `geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x'
cor.test(Brewdata$IBU, Brewdata$ABV)
## Pearson's product-moment correlation
## data: Brewdata$IBU and Brewdata$ABV
## t = 33.848, df = 1401, p-value < 2.2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
## 0.6408842 0.6985369
## sample estimates:
## cor
## 0.6707224
It appears that there is some correlation between bitterness and ABV. The data shows a trend that generally as bitterness increases, so does alcohol content. However, alcohol content may increase with or without an increase in bitterness.
There is sufficient evidence (p-value <.0001) that the alcohol by volume (ABV) and International Bittering Units (IBU) are linearly correlated. We estimate that 45% of the variation in ABV is explained by IBU.
Brewdata.impute.draft <- Brewdata.impute.draft %>% dplyr::rename(ABV.New = ABV)
Brewdata.impute.draft <- Brewdata.impute.draft %>% dplyr::rename(IBU.New = IBU)
Brewdata.New <- full_join(Brewdata, Brewdata.impute.draft, by = "Beer_ID") <- cbind(Brewdata.New, type='Ales', stringsAsFactors=F) %>% filter(grepl('\\bale\\b', Style, <- cbind(Brewdata.New, type='IPA', stringsAsFactors=F) %>% filter(grepl('\\bIPA\\b', Style,
IPA.Ales <- union(,
IPA.Ales$type <- as.factor(IPA.Ales$type)
splitPerc = .7
iterations = 100
numks =50
masterAcc = matrix(nrow = iterations, ncol = numks)
for(j in 1:iterations) {
accs = data.frame(accuracy = numeric(numks), k = numeric(numks))
trainIndices = sample(1:dim(IPA.Ales)[1],round(splitPerc * dim(IPA.Ales)[1]))
train = IPA.Ales[trainIndices,]
test = IPA.Ales[-trainIndices,]
for(i in 1:numks) {
classifications = knn(train[,c('IBU.New','ABV.New')],test[,c('IBU.New','ABV.New')],as.factor(train$type), prob = TRUE, k = i)
CM = confusionMatrix(table(as.factor(test$type),classifications))
masterAcc[j,i] = CM$overall[1]
MeanAcc = colMeans(masterAcc)
plot(seq(1,numks,1),MeanAcc, type = "l")
k <- which.max(MeanAcc)
classifications = knn(train[,c('IBU.New','ABV.New')],test[,c('IBU.New','ABV.New')],train$type, prob = TRUE, k)
## classifications
## Ales IPA
## Ales 249 39
## IPA 61 115
## Confusion Matrix and Statistics
## classifications
## Ales IPA
## Ales 249 39
## IPA 61 115
## Accuracy : 0.7845
## 95% CI : (0.7442, 0.8211)
## No Information Rate : 0.6681
## P-Value [Acc > NIR] : 2.294e-08
## Kappa : 0.5309
## Mcnemar's Test P-Value : 0.03573
## Sensitivity : 0.8032
## Specificity : 0.7468
## Pos Pred Value : 0.8646
## Neg Pred Value : 0.6534
## Prevalence : 0.6681
## Detection Rate : 0.5366
## Detection Prevalence : 0.6207
## Balanced Accuracy : 0.7750
## 'Positive' Class : Ales
# Reset Datafiles:
breweries <- read.csv("./data/Breweries.csv", header = TRUE, strip.white=TRUE)
beers <- read.csv("./data/Beers.csv", header = TRUE)
beers <- beers %>% dplyr::rename( Brew_ID = Brewery_id)
breweries <- breweries %>% dplyr::rename(Name_Brew = Name)
beers <- beers %>% dplyr::rename(Name_Beer = Name) <- full_join(breweries, beers, by = "Brew_ID")
brew.beerABVper <- mutate(, ABVper = ABV * 100)
# Build regional info:
brew.beerABVper$Region[brew.beerABVper$State == "ME"] <- "Northeast"
brew.beerABVper$Region[brew.beerABVper$State == "NH"] <- "Northeast"
brew.beerABVper$Region[brew.beerABVper$State == "VT"] <- "Northeast"
brew.beerABVper$Region[brew.beerABVper$State == "MA"] <- "Northeast"
brew.beerABVper$Region[brew.beerABVper$State == "RI"] <- "Northeast"
brew.beerABVper$Region[brew.beerABVper$State == "CT"] <- "Northeast"
brew.beerABVper$Region[brew.beerABVper$State == "NY"] <- "Northeast"
brew.beerABVper$Region[brew.beerABVper$State == "NJ"] <- "Northeast"
brew.beerABVper$Region[brew.beerABVper$State == "PA"] <- "Northeast"
brew.beerABVper$Region[brew.beerABVper$State == "ND"] <- "Midwest"
brew.beerABVper$Region[brew.beerABVper$State == "SD"] <- "Midwest"
brew.beerABVper$Region[brew.beerABVper$State == "NE"] <- "Midwest"
brew.beerABVper$Region[brew.beerABVper$State == "KS"] <- "Midwest"
brew.beerABVper$Region[brew.beerABVper$State == "MN"] <- "Midwest"
brew.beerABVper$Region[brew.beerABVper$State == "IA"] <- "Midwest"
brew.beerABVper$Region[brew.beerABVper$State == "MO"] <- "Midwest"
brew.beerABVper$Region[brew.beerABVper$State == "WI"] <- "Midwest"
brew.beerABVper$Region[brew.beerABVper$State == "IL"] <- "Midwest"
brew.beerABVper$Region[brew.beerABVper$State == "IN"] <- "Midwest"
brew.beerABVper$Region[brew.beerABVper$State == "MI"] <- "Midwest"
brew.beerABVper$Region[brew.beerABVper$State == "OH"] <- "Midwest"
brew.beerABVper$Region[brew.beerABVper$State == "OK"] <- "South"
brew.beerABVper$Region[brew.beerABVper$State == "TX"] <- "South"
brew.beerABVper$Region[brew.beerABVper$State == "AR"] <- "South"
brew.beerABVper$Region[brew.beerABVper$State == "LA"] <- "South"
brew.beerABVper$Region[brew.beerABVper$State == "MS"] <- "South"
brew.beerABVper$Region[brew.beerABVper$State == "KY"] <- "South"
brew.beerABVper$Region[brew.beerABVper$State == "TN"] <- "South"
brew.beerABVper$Region[brew.beerABVper$State == "AL"] <- "South"
brew.beerABVper$Region[brew.beerABVper$State == "FL"] <- "South"
brew.beerABVper$Region[brew.beerABVper$State == "GA"] <- "South"
brew.beerABVper$Region[brew.beerABVper$State == "SC"] <- "South"
brew.beerABVper$Region[brew.beerABVper$State == "NC"] <- "South"
brew.beerABVper$Region[brew.beerABVper$State == "VA"] <- "South"
brew.beerABVper$Region[brew.beerABVper$State == "WV"] <- "South"
brew.beerABVper$Region[brew.beerABVper$State == "MD"] <- "South"
brew.beerABVper$Region[brew.beerABVper$State == "DE"] <- "South"
brew.beerABVper$Region[brew.beerABVper$State == "WA"] <- "West"
brew.beerABVper$Region[brew.beerABVper$State == "OR"] <- "West"
brew.beerABVper$Region[brew.beerABVper$State == "CA"] <- "West"
brew.beerABVper$Region[brew.beerABVper$State == "AK"] <- "West"
brew.beerABVper$Region[brew.beerABVper$State == "HI"] <- "West"
brew.beerABVper$Region[brew.beerABVper$State == "AZ"] <- "West"
brew.beerABVper$Region[brew.beerABVper$State == "NV"] <- "West"
brew.beerABVper$Region[brew.beerABVper$State == "ID"] <- "West"
brew.beerABVper$Region[brew.beerABVper$State == "MT"] <- "West"
brew.beerABVper$Region[brew.beerABVper$State == "WY"] <- "West"
brew.beerABVper$Region[brew.beerABVper$State == "CO"] <- "West"
brew.beerABVper$Region[brew.beerABVper$State == "NM"] <- "West"
brew.beerABVper$Region[brew.beerABVper$State == "UT"] <- "West"
# Calculate mean ABV by Region
bbABVper.clean <- brew.beerABVper %>% filter(!$ABVper))
bbABVper.cleanmea <- aggregate(bbABVper.clean$ABVper, by=list(bbABVper.clean$Region), FUN = mean)
colnames(bbABVper.cleanmea) <- c("Region", "MeanABV")
bbABVper.cleanmea$MeanABV <- round(bbABVper.cleanmea$MeanABV, 2)
# Calculate mean IBU by Region
bbIBU.clean <- brew.beerABVper %>% filter(!$IBU))
bbIBU.cleanmed <- aggregate(bbIBU.clean$IBU, by=list(bbIBU.clean$Region), FUN = median)
colnames(bbIBU.cleanmed) <- c("Region", "MedianIBU")
bbIBU.cleanmea <- aggregate(bbIBU.clean$IBU, by=list(bbIBU.clean$Region), FUN = mean)
colnames(bbIBU.cleanmea) <- c("Region", "MeanIBU")
# Calculate Top 10 Cities with the most Breweries
TopCities <- Brewdata %>% mutate(City = paste0(City, ', ', state)) %>% group_by(City) %>%
summarise(Breweries = n()) %>% arrange(desc(Breweries))
# Calculate Top 10 Breweries with the most original beers
TopBreweries <- Brewdata %>% mutate(Brewery = paste0(Brewery,'<br>', City, ', ', state)) %>%
group_by(Brewery) %>% summarise(Beers = n()) %>% arrange(desc(Beers))
Top10Cities <- top_n(TopCities,10)
## Selecting by Breweries
Top10Breweries <- top_n(TopBreweries,10)
## Selecting by Beers
charts <- list()
charts[['zero']] <- ''
charts[['meanABVbyRegion']] <-
hchart(bbABVper.cleanmea, "column", hcaes(x = Region, y = MeanABV)) %>%
hc_title(text = "Average ABV by Region") %>%
charts[['MedianIBUbyRegion']] <-
hchart(bbIBU.cleanmed, "column", hcaes(x = Region, y = MedianIBU)) %>%
hc_title(text = "Median IBU by Region") %>%
charts[['top10byCity']] <-
hchart(Top10Cities, "column", hcaes(x = City, y = Breweries)) %>%
hc_title(text = "Top 10 Cities with Most Breweries") %>%
charts[['top10byBrewery']] <-
hchart(Top10Breweries, "column", hcaes(x = Brewery, y = Beers)) %>%
hc_title(text = "Top 10 Breweries with Most Original Beers") %>%
# TopBreweries <- Brewdata %>% mutate(Brewery = paste0(Brewery,'<br>', City, ', ', state)) %>%
# group_by(Brewery) %>% summarise(Beers = n()) %>% arrange(desc(Beers))
# ggplot(data=Brewdata, mapping=aes(x=Brewery, y=Beers)) + geom_col() + theme_economist() +
# labs(title = "Top 10 Breweries with Most Original Beers")
# TopBreweries <- Brewdata %>% mutate(Brewery = paste0(Brewery,'\n', City, ', ', state)) %>%
# group_by(Brewery) %>% summarise(Beers = n()) %>% arrange(desc(Beers)) %>% top_n(10)
# ggplot(data=TopBreweries, mapping=aes(x=Brewery, y=Beers)) + geom_col(color="white",fill="steelblue") +
# theme_economist() +labs(title = "Top 10 Breweries with Most Original Beers") +
# theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 60, vjust=1, hjust=1))
6. Comments on the summary statistics and distribution of the ABV variable.
We get summary statistics by calling
on theABV
column in ourBrewdata
dataset.The ABV of all measured beer falls into a range of .1% to 12.8% alcohol content by volume. The data appears to be fairly normally distributed with a touch of right skewness, with a mean of 5.97%, a median of 5.60%, a standard deviation of 1.35% and an interquartile range of 1.7%.
ABV of all measured beer falls into a range of .1% to 12.8% alcohol content by volume. The data appears to be fairly normally distributed with a touch of right skewness, with a mean of 5.97%, a median of 5.60%, a standard deviation of 1.35% and an interquartile range of 1.7%.